Home Staff Biography

Dr. Michael Reilly

Technical Manager


Earth Institute Fellow, Columbia University

Ph.D. City and Regional Planning, University of California Berkeley

M.C.P. City and Regional Planning, University of California Berkeley

A.B. Anthropology, University of California Berkeley

Contact Dr. Michael Reilly


Mike specializes in urban economics, land use modeling, and urban development policy.

Dr. Michael Reilly joined ECOnorthwest as a Technical Manager in 2023. He works with a range of public and private sector clients to analyze and model urban economic conditions and policy impacts. Mike’s projects cover economic and demographic forecasting, regional and urban modeling, transportation and land use planning, economic impact and benefit-cost analyses, and sustainable cities.

Previously, Mike led the Urban & Regional Analytics team at the Metropolitan Transportation Commission. He built the agency’s microeconomic forecasting tools and applied them to regional plans, GHG reduction strategies, and transportation project evaluation. Mike has also led research projects in urban sustainability and taught spatial analysis and urban economics at Stanford University.


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