ECONorthwest Submits Formal Comment to Columbia River System Operations EIS

April 10, 2020

Columbia river gorge

As part of ongoing work to evaluate the economic tradeoffs of removing the four Lower Snake River Dams, ECONorthwest reviewed the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) released by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Bureau of Reclamation, and Bonneville Power Administration. This DEIS evaluated a range of options for managing power generation, transportation, recreation, and environmental resources in the Columbia River basin.

As part of our review, we identified eight key points that require further consideration before the Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) can be issued. ECONorthwest submitted these findings as a formal comment to the EIS, along with our previous analysis released in July of 2019.

ECONorthwest does not have any stake or opinion in the selection of the preferred alternative in the FEIS, but is submitting this formal comment to ensure that the analysis conducted by the managing federal agencies meets the highest standards of technical and methodological rigor.

Read the formal comment here.

Read our 2019 study here.