Creating a Midtown Missoula that Centers People, Not Cars

February 28, 2023

ECONorthwest is working with the Missoula Midtown Association and community partners to produce an infrastructure and development master plan. A main goal of this plan is to reflect one of Midtown’s values: providing a voice for the people who use the area.

ECONorthwest’s Tyler Bump presented a list of challenges and opportunities—identified by public engagement and surveys—to the Missoula City Council in January. “One of the key challenges is that community members want Midtown to feel more like a true destination with a true sense of identity. When people get there, there’s no definition of place.” Residents are hopeful that this plan, once approved, will influence the city to implement people-friendly design and transportation options in Midtown, creating a vibrant area to live and work.

Read the Missoula Current article here.